Thursday, September 27, 2007
Note to ITU: Not another boring trade show, please!
You might have already heard the news that Bangkok has been selected for next year's ITU Telecom Asia event. I must admit I was quite stunned when I first learned of it, given the political situation here and the southern turmoil. Makes you wonder how some of the other cities could have screwed up their bids so badly.
Actually Thailand has been trying to land this event for quite some time, having made a bid to be the 2004 host, which went to South Korea, and also the 2002 event in Hong Kong. So maybe they got extra points for persistence? They certainly didn't get it because of the public transport options going to the Impact venue out in Muang Thong Thani (if you're from out of town and planning to attend, install some games or an e-book on your PDA, as it will help kill the travelling time).
But enough of the cynicism, Bangkok has been known to put on a good event before. The old 3G Congress (now Mobility World) did a stint in Bangkok before scampering off back to Hong Kong, while the tech-focussed APRICOT (Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies if you must know) has also been successfully held here. But both of those were, it must be noted, held at the Queen Sirikit Convention Centre -- a far more accessible venue but unfortunately too small on this occasion.
I have noticed that Bangkok is popular within the telecom sector, particularly among those who golf or are into the food, so hopefully that will offset the logistics nightmare that awaits. There are some other things that the organisers can do to make the event memorable, however. First and foremost, they can vow to radically alter the format and style that most major trade events follow.
I was quite critical of another ITU event, last year's Telecom World in Hong Kong, but the same criticism applies to many of these events, including CommunicAsia down in Singapore. It seems the main concern is dragging enough exhibitors into the event, with less effort on first and foremost making the "content'' world class. Yep, just like the telcos that attend, these events need to alter their operating models.
The ITU events do have a forum/conference component to them, but the last few I've attended have been boring. In Hong Kong last year I couldn't help noticing that a lot of the keynote speakers were top brass at some of the major exhibitors. While some did have something to say, others delivered little more than a corporate spiel, and what they did say was uninspiring. In particular, many Asian CEOs, from some of the world's largest companies, really need to work on their presentation skills if they're to be taken seriously.
Some of it can be put down to speaking in their non-native tongue, or having to go through a translator, but many non-English speakers from other parts of the world can get around it. In fact, the best presentation I came across was from a Spanish-speaking South American but delivered in English. He had something to say so people were prepared to put in the extra effort to listen.
The forum organisers could also have a look at how some of the other conferences are attracting an enthusiastic crowd and rave reviews. For example, the seminars and brainstorming sessions from the guys at Telco 2.0 in the UK, or some of the many interesting ones from O'Reilly, such as the E-Tech (emerging technology) conferences.
There are scads of others in the U.S. as well, but the point is that the ITU needs to create a conference that people are lining up to attend, not one where the speakers are from the biggest exhibitors. Nor even because they're the CEO of a particularly large company, but rather because they have something compelling to say and they tend to say it in a compelling way.
There are loads of other ideas they could implement too. For example rather than just a separate youth conference, get some well-spoken Thai youths up on stage telling the out-of-touch telco bosses what they want from a mobile or broadband service. And better yet, have them roaming around the halls doing live video, blogging and whatever else they do and put it online for all to access.
And get speakers from the new players that are going to eat the traditional telco's lunch, like the Skypes, Googles and anyone else with a disruptive business model. And while we're at it, involve anyone from the Thai regulatory side over the years and get them to justify leaving the country as a telecom backwater when it could be so much more.
I'm just scratching the surface here, but the point is they should be thinking out-of-the-box so that they can create a memorable event. The last thing we need is a boring, same-old trade event where the only thing you remember is the traffic getting to and from the venue.
*Got some suggestions for making ITU Bangkok event memorable? Please leave a comment.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
WiMax for ships in Singapore
Apparently the government will spend S$12 million to allow ships to access broadband communications and services offshore. It's called the Infocomm@SeaPort programme.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Who needs a phone company?
A while back I suggested that the phone company of the future will most likely look a lot different to that of today. In fact, you might not make calls through a phone company at all, but rather it will be just one of many services that you can access when you’re on the network. That day looks like it’s coming sooner rather than later.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Google plans Asia Pacific submarine cable
You can read the full story here. Commsday is a daily subscription newsletter which I also report for. You can sign up for a free trial at the web site. Grahame has more on the story for the coming week, so if you're interested probably now is a good time to sign up for the trial ;-)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
ITU Telecom Asia heads to Bangkok in 2008
I've been critical of the ITU events in the past, but I still believe they can put on a good gig if they listen to some of the criticism and go past the stale formats. Hopefully they will, because punters are going to love to come to Thailand.
Actually, the country has been growing as an events destination for some time. The old 3G Congress (now Mobility World) did a stint in Bangkok before scampering off back to Hong Kong, while the tech-focussed APRICOT event has also been successfully held here.
And this week, I've been attending the Asia Pacific Satellite Communication Council annual conference here in Bangkok. In case you don't subscribe to CommsDay, the big news is that the satellite sector is expecting a slowdown because of the sub-prime loans crisis. You can read the story on the Commsday web site now. Actually I'll be taking part in the final day's golf tournament tomorrow at Alpine golf course - looking forward to that one!
So Bangkok can put on an event. Still, was a surprise that the city got it, particularly given the current political situation and the insurgency problem down south. I'm going to write a column about this for next week, so eventually it will make it's way here. Stay tuned!
The ITU's press release is also available if you're interested.
ITU Telecom World needs some disrupting
This is an article I wrote for CommsDay Asean after attending last year's ITU extravaganza in Hong Kong. As you can read, I wasn't exactly overenthused by the whole thing. But there's room for improvement and it's coming to Bangkok. Yes, to Bangkok, Thailand!! More coming . . .
As the 23 tons of temporary trusses came down and the 28,484 sq meters of carpet up from the floors that housed ITU Telecom World last week, I did the only sensible thing on offer: I went camping. Yep, after all the well-meaning but meaningless talk of bridging the digital divide (yet again), I decided I’d rather be on the other side of it. So it was goodbye IP-TV, ciao mobile TV and into a national park that was blissfully free of any TV or Internet.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Revealed: The Thai Car of the Future
Was reading through my morning newspaper (yes, I still have the habit) and came across Stephff's daily cartoon. This guy is usually good, but today I thought it was a classic. If you've ever driven in Bangkok, you'll know why. Anyway, I emailed him with my congratulations on a good effort and enquired if it was available online. Unfortunately not, but he was kind enough to allow me to post it here for everyone's viewing pleasure. Stephff's got a book of his work coming out soon, so if you see it definitely give it a look.
Double-click on the pic and it should give you a closer image

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Blog update
Mainly because of the intergration with Google. I found that when it came to searching for stuff that I'd written (exactly the same article), the posts in Blogger were easier to find on Google than those done via Wordpress. Don't know if they manipulate things to be that way, but that's the way it is.
Other areas that are easier because of Google owning Blogger are the way you can park your domain for free using Google Apps and it's very easy for Blogger to use it. I know you can do this with WordPress, but it's just easier in Blogger.
Another example is the "shared items" widget I just added to the blog today. I'm an avid Google Reader user, so when they had a tip on posting your shared items to your blog, I thought I'd give it a try. Basically you just press the "add to Blogger" button and it's all done magically. Quite impressive.
And before I get accused of being a Google lackey, please read my Time to reign in Google? piece.
Other stuff I've learned in my two weeks of blogging: It's damn addictive, a great procrastination aid when you've got deadlines looming, it's a lot of work but it's a lot of fun.
If you're still reading: A BIG THANKS!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Cable Cartels: Don't keep us in the dark
My friend knew this because his friend works at the Communications Authority of Thailand (CAT), which thanks to its very slowly disappearing monopoly gets to control all of the country's traffic with the submarine boys. On hearing this I did a bit of a search around the place to see if I could get any further confirmation. Nothing. It was the weekend, but still there were no bloggers, news agencies or government regulator sites with anything about cable cuts.
This week it's been remarkably quiet too. However, there are/were cable cuts: just very little news about it. Which brings me to a gripe a brought up during the last major earthquake-related outage at the start of this year -- don't keep us users in the dark about this stuff.
The thing we users find really frustrating is not so much the dodgy and unreliable connections as the dodgy and unreliable information we’re able to get out of the carrier cartels. The major service providers are kept in the loop, as evidenced by the people at CAT knowing all about the latest break, a lot better than the average business or end user. But given how critical connectivity is to economies, cash flows and everyday life, I think we deserve better than this.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
YOUR government is a hacker
There was talk last week that President Bush was going to raise the matter with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao. Somehow I don’t think that would be a wise move given the US history of spying on other countries, friend or foe, but the whole thing at least brings to light the hypocrisy of the West when it comes to anything to do with China (if they do it, it’s a major incident, if we do it it’s okay -- we’re democratic and we know best).
But assuming George W did bring up the matter of China snooping and working out how to infiltrate networks belonging to the US government, his opposite number would just have to mention one word: Echelon. For those that haven’t heard of it, Echelon is the name of a network whose existence was denied for years by the US and its allies, most notably the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Its purpose essentially was to spy on foreign governments and businesses by intercepting their communication signals.
These days nobody really questions its existence and in 2001 it was even brought up in a report to the European Parliament, which expressed surprise that many of its senior figures and European Commissioners were not even aware that Echelon existed. Now that they do, however, they’re quite peeved that the US and its collaborators would actually stoop to spying on Europe. They certainly did, however, and you can read the entire 194-page report at
The US is also not averse to tapping into the occasional submarine cable system to gather intelligence, either. There’s a great book called Blind Man’s Bluff that details the history of American submarine espionage, and one of the chapters deals with how the navy sent a sub under the Sea of Okhotsk, deep in Soviet territory, to tap into its Cold War foe’s telephone cables for intelligence. And thanks to the famed Bell Labs, it was one of the most successful spying missions, lasting years, that has ever been undertaken.
Of course, that was the Cold War. It couldn’t happen now, right? According to some people, that’s exactly what India is doing now that it is a major owner of undersea cables. In a book published this year by Major General VK Singh, former head of India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), the country’s main intelligence branch, he makes the claim that the agency procured interception-technology from France and that it has been installed at the VSNL gateway in Mumbai.
Singh’s book is titled “India's External Intelligence: Secrets of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW),” and he claims that Indian agencies have been tapping telephone traffic between Germany and Japan and other routes in a bid to emulate the CIA, which in turn has been trying
to intrude on the Indian efforts.
Personally, I’m more worried about governments and commercial organisations spying on me rather than spying among themselves. Like the case in Singapore, where Internet users were outraged recently that SingNet might have handed over details of subscribers that had been downloading Japanese anime. A similar request by anime distributor Odex was denied by rival ISP PacNet, so no guessing who the people’s hero is when it comes to Singaporean ISPs.
And moving back to the US, American telcos are also not averse to spying on their customers either, according to numerous reports including one in the Washington Post recently that noted how the Director of Intelligence had admitted that the private sector (ie, telcos) had helped the
government in areas such as wiretapping on its citizens, despite not having a warrant.
Needless to say, they’re being sued and we’ll probably be hearing more on this in the coming months as a result. But in the meantime, the U.S. president might want to avoid the whole topic of government spying – with the Chinese or anyone else.
-- Geoff Long
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
An alternative route through the flat world
Hong Kong-based Rebecca MacKinnon reports that Flat World author Thomas Friedman got a pasting from a Chinese diplomat on stage during a recent panel discussion, with the diplomat pulling him up for his "condescending" views on some of China's global policies. I don't know about China, but sometimes I think Friedman is also missing something when it comes to India, one of the key countries in The World is Flat.
Thomas Friedman started out his journey to survey the flat world on the first tee at KGA Golf Club in
I share another thing with Friedman – I’ve also met with one of the Infosys top guys, in my case founder and former chairman Narayana Murthy. However, rather than test theories of globalisation, we basically talked cricket for most of the scheduled one-hour interview. I put this down to the fact that at the time (well before Friedman) I had no idea what Infosys did. Of course in this flat world of ours, now everyone knows about Infosys and the other Indian success stories (although I suspect many still don’t really know what they do).
As for having my own epiphany, I came to the sharp realisation that
I liked Friedman’s book and a lot of what he says makes sense. But visiting
Anyway, as you might have noticed earlier, I’m not into testing theories of globalisation (although one of these days I might try to flesh out what I think Friedman is missing). Much better to talk cricket, which if you can hang in there I can try to make relevant.
I knew cricket was huge here, but either I’d forgotten how huge or it’s gotten even more crazy. Or . . . maybe the media has grown since my last visit. Or perhaps gotten more sophisticated so I pay it some attention. No doubt all of the above. In fact, I was surprised at how many news channels there are locally and how sophisticated a lot of the publications have become. This place could really be a media powerhouse.
Actually, make that a content powerhouse. Combine all of the cricket programming with the output of Bollywood and you’ve got a huge vault of material just waiting for a new online business model to send it to all corners of the flat earth. At a recent Cisco analyst day I attended, Bob McIntyre, CTO of new acquisition Scientific Atlanta, gave a talk on niche video programming. He noted how in the
Look at the popularity of the Cricinfo web site – it’s one of the top sites in the world in terms of traffic generated. Imagine if they were to have a live video feed for all the users it serves in the far flung corners of the globe. It would be huge. You could also relate cricket programming to Chris Anderson’s Long Tail theory. Then again, a long tail of cricket really would be a painful pun.
Whatever you call it, we are living in a world that is increasingly global yet at the same time is searching for more niche and local news and content. Perhaps the more we globalise the more we appreciate our local specialities. Which might explain
Monday, September 10, 2007
Do we really need broadband handouts?
We’ve supposedly got cheap and standardised networking components that can allow countries to leapfrog generations of technology. We’ve got concepts like user-generated infrastructure where shared connections are being tied together to form one global hotspot. Competition between not only service providers but also different technologies should be bringing affordable and fast communications to everyone.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The new search weapon: humans
Seems Thailand is not the only country censoring the Net -- of course, everyone's doing it ;-)
In Korea there's a big stink about the likes of Naver and Daum censoring posts. You can read all about it at the AsiaMedia site (they copied from Korea Times).
And speaking of Naver, here's a column I wrote recently that covers Korea's most popular search site as well as the newer Mahalo being created by Jason Calacanis. It originally appeared in BroadBand Communities.
The new search weapon: humans
For some reason, there are reports all over the place of late that South Korean search portal Naver has around 70 percent of its local market, while the mighty Google is largely a failure there with its 2 percent share. Perhaps it’s because South Korea organised a large press delegation to its major trade show last month, and that was one of the messages the media got? Or perhaps it’s because The New York Times and Business Week both reported on it (but why? It’s not really that new or newsy) and it went viral from there.
While I’m not interested in how Google is doing in South Korea specifically, I am interested in the model that Naver uses, which I was pointed to by the blog Web 2.0 Asia. Naver is essentially a human-powered search engine, meaning that there is a lot of manual work behind the scenes that goes into making a particular search term relevant.
Apparently a lot of this manual work these days is outsourced to Korean speakers in China, who analyse, index and even produce content for Naver. As a result, if it’s something Korean, such as about one of their soap opera stars, singers or sporting heroes, then you’ll get a much richer collection of links than Google can give you.
It also leads to a downside, as brought up by the Web 2.0 Asia blogger, in that because of the focussed effort needed, and presumable labour costs, Naver has to focus on the hottest topics at the expense of other issues. “The nation's zeitgeist becomes more and more unified – essentially, Naver's top search keyword IS the national zeitgeist,” according to the post, which says this is turning Korea into a “Naverized” nation.
What interests me (and which I haven’t seen brought up in any of the posts on Naver so far) is that there is a major effort going on right now to do a similar human-powered search engine out of Silicon Valley. It's called Mahalo and was co-founded by well-known tech entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, who was also one of the people behind ventures such as Silicon Valley Reporter magazine and the Weblogs Inc site.
Given all the recent attention that has been heaped on Naver, which has been around since 1999, it's odd that Mahalo (means "thank you" in Hawaiian, I've since learned) bills itself as the "world's first human-powered search engine". Makes you question the accuracy of the rest of its information.
Despite this, it's an interesting project. Like Naver, Mahalo uses human guides, both full-time and part-time volunteers, who will create search result pages (known as SeRPs) on the most popular or requested topics. If they haven't created a SeRP on a particular topic, you can request that they do so. End users can also suggest links for topics that have already been covered.
Mahalo is even paying the part timers (US$10-15 per page) when they accept their SeRPs, which are created in the Mahalo Greenhouse. The SeRPs are then reviewed by the full time guides and finally accepted into the Mahalo search engine. While the Greenhouse has only been in operation for five weeks, it reported that it had already accepted more than 525 search result pages from 570 part time guides and counting.
These will be continually added to the 4000 search terms that had been created when Mahalo made its alpha launch at the end of May. The company says it hopes to reach 10,000 search terms by the end of the year, afterwhich it will go into a beta phase.
The site is focused on the top English-language search terms, including verticals such as travel, products, news, entertainment, sports, food, and health. “Google’s mission is to index the world’s information; our mission is to curate that wonderful index,” Calacanis said in a statement released when it was announced. “It’s my belief that humans can play a significant role in the development of search results and we’re going to try to figure out exactly what that role is over the next couple of years." The statement also noted that Mahalo was a five-year project.
If anything, Mahalo reminds me a lot of Wikipedia, given its use of volunteers (although paid ones) from around the world to create content. If it can build up a similar database, it will certainly be a useful addition when you consider the amount of links you need to wade through in Google to get to the information you’re searching for. And even when they don't have a page created for your search term, it defaults to Google in any case.
Of course Google and some of the other search giants could also add humans to the search mix themselves. In fact, that's in part what Yahoo has been doing with its Yahoo Answers service, where you can ask a question and real people behind the scenes will attempt to come up with an answer. (You could even argue that the original Yahoo directory was similar to Mahalo, in that it provided human-generated links on a wide range of subjects.)
Naver, too, is looking to expand. According to the Business Week report, it will export its search model to see if it will work in Japan later this year. And I'd be surprised if others in Asia, particularly places like India with its wealth of human resources, don't try something similar.
Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but given the power of Google these days it's encouraging to see some alternatives springing up. – Geoff Long
Friday, September 7, 2007
Muni meltdown: the lessons for Asia
Here in
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The mobile Internet buzz
Mobile infrastructure looks finally ready to be a prime access mode for getting onto the Internet and some of the indicators indeed look promising. Certainly there's a ton of investment dollars being funneled into it. While this column has been negative about the iPhone since its introduction, it did serve to show the potential of the mobile Internet. And its introduction has also focussed attention on the capabilities of some of the other device makers and at the same time injected a healthy dose of new competition into the mix.
Recently, for example, I was shown a new Nokia device that could send photos to the Flickr image sharing service with just one-click. And the fact that the device's software pointed the user to the feature automatically, perhaps guiding them to a service that they didn't know existed, was also encouraging.
Video is also another rising capability, with CNN using the latest Nokia N series phones to do coverage that was later broadcast to its regular TV viewers earlier this year. And in Africa, a continent normally seen as on the wrong side of the digital divide, they are also doing reportage via mobile devices.
The Voices of Africa project has three mobile reporters in different countries filing stories for the Africa News web site ( Since May this year they have been testing and getting experience in uploading texts, photos and videos - all via GPRS networks. Imagine what they could do on 3G.
Here in Asia, we're lucky that mobile networks are being upgraded to provide faster uploads and downloads. StarHub in Singapore, for example, will be offering one of the region's first HSPA (high-speed packet access) networks, with touted download and upload speeds of 7.2Mbps and 1.9Mbps respectively (even though we all know in reality that users won't be actually getting anywhere near those speeds).
And think what you will about the relative merits of WiMax versus 3G, the fact that both standards are competing and pushing each other can only be good for consumers and content providers alike.
Behind the scenes things are also moving along as well. For example at this year's JavaOne event in May, Sun released a new open mobile development platform called JavaFX Mobile, which it expects to lead to more innovative and sophisticated (and open) services on mobile devices. (The technology was actually developed by SavaJe Technologies and acquired by Sun this year.)
Some of the types of services that might be envisaged by Sun and others have already arrived. While most of the major social networking sites and the likes of YouTube are planning on porting their capabilities to the mobile world, other lesser-known names have already made progress in this direction.
In Japan, for example, social networking sites for the mobile are probably well ahead of anywhere else in the world. Take the example of mobagetown, a mobile social networking site that had over 6 million users as of June this year. And the icing on the cake: it's apparently turning a nice profit.
As a result, similar services are popping up regularly, with Media Groove planning the launch of "Chipuya Town" next month, according to Infinita. It reported that it will be a mobile Flash-based 2D version of real-world Tokyo youth hotspot Shibuya and include things such microblogs, communities, friends and chat as well as its own virtual currency.
There are a legion of other examples out there, but I'm sure you get the picture. While there will no doubt be a lot more hype to come, not to mention a decent spreading of both the instantly filthy-rich and some belly-up companies, this time the mobile Internet looks like the real thing.
blogging in Thai
It's happening to me now from a computer in the Bangkok Post building, and believe me the reason your getting this post is not because I can make out the Thai script -- it's just that I can remember where the buttons are!!
Will send a note to blogger help and see what they have to say before reporting back . . .
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
How WiMAX can disrupt the cellco cartel
In the meantime, I thought I'd resurrect this column on how WiMax can make its mark.
How WiMAX can disrupt the cellco cartel
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Made in Taiwan, censored for China
Here's the gist of it: "With little fanfare, Taiwan companies are playing a big role not only in the production of Apple's latest device but in a wide array of other communications equipment, including the broadband modems in homes across the United States and the next generation of high-speed wireless gear."
Great stuff, but as I kept reading it I noticed that there was something odd about the story, with some quite unusual grammar from such a high-calibre paper. Like they'd say manufactured "on Taiwan", where for every other country they mentioned it was made "in" the United States or Japan or wherever. Then they'd write things like "As in many Asian areas . . .", when what they clearly meant was "as in many Asian countries." The fact that they were trying as hard as they could not to refer to Taiwan as a country, or even to allude to it as a country, was just so obvious that it made you hyper-aware of what they were doing.
For what reason? Is The New York Times so afraid that it will be filtered from mainland China that it's willing to follow the PRC line unquestioningly? After all, to the average reader, lumping Taiwan with a bunch of other "countries" would seem quite natural. I can understand governments being a bit sensitive about the diplomatic consequences of their language, but why should The New York Times follow the same wishy-washy, self-censoring, ambiguous path?
It's bad enough that many high-tech companies are prostituting some of their principles in the name of doing business, but lets hope the media doesn't follow suit. Besides which, at least Taiwan lets its citizens vote, not to mention that - as the original article stated - high-tech companies are incredibly reliant on Taiwan when it comes to making most of their gear.
Speaking of companies that suck up to China, Google has just announced a couple of major changes. One is that it will be announcing a paid option for extra storage on Gmail, Picasa and other online services.
Meanwhile, if you've bought any videos from the Google Video store in the past, you might find that they expired on 15 Aug. That's because the Google Video service is closing down, according to a letter sent out by the company and reprinted on Boing Boing.
According to the letter, any videos purchased in the past will no longer be able to be viewed. To compensate, Google is giving purchasers credit at its Google Checkout stores that must be spent within 60 days. As Cory Doctorow commented in the post, "this is a giant, flaming middle finger, sent by Google and the studios to the customers."
It's odd how even when you legitimately buy something, the Big Media players are determined to make it difficult for you to use their content. Yet when it suits them, they're not averse to utilising some of the non-legitimate services for their own ends. According to TorrentFreak, more and more forthcoming television shows are turning up on Bittorrent sites, with many of the leaks appearing to come from the studios themselves.
In fact, that's exactly what's been happening. One Warners Brothers TV executive admitted getting his neighbour's kid to upload episodes of Pushing Daisies, an upcoming TV show, noting that such strategies can help build some buzz and a potential audience when it does go to air. The article pointed to other studios doing similar things.
In other words, if you're big enough - like China, Google and the recording industry - it seems you can do what you like.
Fear and loathing in the call centre
It's not that the industry isn't aware of the negative sentiment surrounding call centers: In his opening address, Genesys Australasia VP Jason Stirling pointed out that "call centre'' is still a dirty word for many customers, while many other speakers noted that the industry has a perception problem. This can partly be explained by the fact that customers tend to remember the exceptions, particularly the bad exceptions, and also because customer expectations are generally going up.
Whatever the reason, in an age where customer service is increasingly the main differentiator for companies, it's a problem that must be addressed. Thankfully, going on some of the positive case studies presented at the event, it's also a problem for which solutions, expertise and business models readily exist.
Take the example of Telecom New Zealand, which takes around 100 million calls from customers each year. Jared Mortlock, manager of the telco's speech implementation team, told the G-Force audience of his experience with a natural language IVR (interactive voice response) system, where the customer can respond via regular speech rather than the more cumbersome (and generally loathed) touchtone IVR systems.
According to Mortlock, customer satisfaction jumped from 16 percent for the touchtone IVR to 60 percent with the natural speech system, while customers opting to connect to the operator dropped from 30 percent to 3 percent. He pointed out that you're always going to get some customers that don't like IVR, but the more channels that are available to them the better. And in the case of Telecom New Zealand, it went from an organisation that had trouble with its customer experience before the IVR project, to "haven't looked back since'', in the words of Mortlock.
One company that is betting that speech technologies such as natural language IVR take-off is Genesys, the main backer of G-Force and whose CEO, Wes Hayden, I got to chat with at the event. He suggested that Voice XML was one of the most promising technologies for the industry, which was one reason Genesys acquired VoiceGenie last year.
"It was clear to us that Voice XML would be the platform to enable speech technology to become mainstream in every call centre in the world,'' he said, adding that about one-third of its R&D budget (18% of revenue), would be spent in the voice portal space. That's in part because companies are now shopping for such technologies. "There is a huge IVR replacement cycle taking place right now and many are thinking about speech technology,'' Hayden said.
Two areas where there is less certainty are in video and social networking. According to Hayden, video in the contact centre is not big in the United States yet and in fact it was Italian customers who pushed Genesys to support it in their platforms. Apparently the Italians think they look good enough to warrant video calls.
And I also asked Hayden about whether the whole social networking buzz will have an impact on contact centres. After all, you can do everything else from the likes of Facebook, so why not a link into the contact centre? "To be honest, I don't think we really know the implications [of social networking],'' he said, suggesting that Genesys was keeping a watching brief on the whole area.
Other companies are more bullish on the links between the whole Web 2.0 world and the contact centre, however. One that I've come across recently is Juice Media, a software company that provides CRM using the software as a service (SaaS) model. It claims that by combining and mashing together classic and emerging CRM platforms, products and processes with Web 2.0 technologies, businesses will be able to better engage their customers.
Whether that's the case or not, I've got a feeling it's all in the implementation. After all, you can have the best system in the world but it will be worse than useless if it's not set up right. Take the recent example of a customer to Britain's BT. The telco blamed a new customer care system for one poor woman's wait on the end of the line that totalled 20 hours. "I was so frustrated and angry I broke down in tears,'' she told The Times. "It is a helpline for goodness' sake, surely a company as big as BT can answer their phones.''
And that's precisely the sort of incident that explains the widespread loathing by the general public of anything to do with call centres.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Your right to tinker
Australian carrier Telstra was last week forced to remove some television ads for its Next G mobile network after industry watchdog the ACCC deemed them misleading. But the ACCC should know that it has been on-going for some time, as evidenced by its earlier online adverts that feature a Volkswagen Kombi engine. As any VW nut will point out, that ain’t no Kombi engine.
A similar site is, which came about because German founder Marcus Merz found himself in a state of “seminar consciousness” during an Internet event, and decided he needed to do something more concrete. “I wanted to do something specific, something physical . . . something distinctly non-virtual . . . something worth investing even more of my time,” he wrote in a manifesto available online. “It should be something that every number-cruncher, engineer, or creative with a little bit of common sense – man or woman – who has ever played with Lego, Construx, or a computer, could relate and contribute to . . . We will develop a car in the Internet. We will develop a car via the Open Source concept –free and community oriented . . . without copyrights and restrictions.”
Imitate Skype or die
Skype wasn’t the first free VoIP provider on the scene, but somehow it had the right ingredients to catch the public’s eye (or ear, in this case) and succeed. Ever since then its imitators have come thick and fast. Zoippe also has a “Zoippe Out” category in homage to Skype Out, where users pay VoIP rates rather than get free calls. It’s not the only one to flatter Skype with the imitation either, with
Sunday, September 2, 2007
The iPhone's early legacy
Time to reign in Google?
Dave “Smith” (name changed upon request) used to run a profitable and popular web site that offers stories about expatriate life and gives visitors insights into Thai nightlife. Risque nightlife, to be sure, but nothing that would be out of place in a popular “lad’s magazine” like Maxim or FHM. He still runs the site – – only now it’s becoming increasingly hard to make it pay its way. That’s because, like many other small web publishers, he’s somehow gotten on the wrong side of the mighty Google.
It’s fair to say that Google has revolutionised small-scale publishing with its AdSense advertising system that allows web sites to at least recover their costs, and in some cases earn some decent money. It’s also fair to say that Google can, at a whim, turn off the revenue stream that made the site feasible in the first place – often with little explanation or a chance to argue the situation.
In the case of Dave Smith versus Google, that happened via email through a junior Google team member identifying himself only as “Scott”. But once the decision was made, that was the end of AdSense ads on MangoSauce – no appeals allowed. For Smith, the decision is nothing short of blatant censorship. “Google’s role as an Internet censor is merely a consequence of the company’s dominant position in the Internet advertising marketplace. He who pays the piper calls the tune and Google currently restricts its playlist to easy listening,” he told BroadBand Communities.
Somewhat ironically, Smith points out, Google itself has been known to display paid advertising for hardcore pornography on its own site, with Smith having captured an example of this in an explanation to readers. As he notes, MangoSauce is tame in comparison.
“The site is completely work-safe. There’s no nudity, no porno stories, no excessive profanity, no racism and no homophobia. Whether you’re black, white, straight or gay, there’s nothing in Mango Sauce that will offend you – or make the day of that poisonous little creep in the computer department who’s right now snooping through your browser cache, hoping to get you fired.”
Despite the blacklisting – which does not expire, although as an AdSense approved publisher he is free to use ads on any other web site – Mango Sauce continued to operate. Then another Google-inspired disaster struck, again with no explanation. This time many parts of the site were removed from the top search listings on Google, severely disrupting the traffic to the site and again making it financially unviable.
Being suddenly removed from the top search rankings is something many other bloggers and small web publishers have also experienced, with many also noting the power Google wields and what amounts to defacto censorship. The case of the disappearing web sites happened last year to a bunch of bloggers covering topics related to human sexuality, as reported by popular news blog Boing Boing.
Blogs such as Tiny Nibbles, Comstock Films, ErosBlog, and others vanished somewhere down the rankings, which as many noted is just as bad as being shut out entirely because of the effect it has on traffic generation. While the sites eventually in most cases got restored to their higher rankings, the problem many point to is that Google is not transparent enough when it comes explaining how it ranks sites.
As with its AdSense program, the problem seems to be that Google is a virtual monopoly, with Yahoo and MSN not wielding anywhere near the same power. So while problems are often corrected, the underlying situation is not, as Boing Boing commented. “The bloggers’ concerns still remain: we don’t know exactly what happened or how or why, or who or what “fixed” it, or how or why. When all of us rely on one single service to access so much of the information we need each day, and the company behind that service doesn’t have to be transparent to its users, problems like this are inevitable,” it wrote.
Danny Sullivan, Editor in Chief at Search Engine Land, was one who defended Google, pointing out that the search giant at least provides more tools for web masters than others, such as its Google Webmaster Central area ( Yet as San Francisco Chronicle columnist Violet Blue, also the author of the affected site Tiny Nibbles, noted, in this case the tools were of no help. “When someone (or something) has so much power over individuals and no transparency about their process… you live in constant fear that you’re going to do something (you have no idea what) or that something will change (you never know when, or what), to make you disappear,” she wrote.
As it turns out, Google did not reply to a request for comment on this story. And in the case of Mango Sauce, webmaster Dave did eventually find out what was causing his site to lose its ranking position, although not from Google. It was being caused by a web site that sold links,, which it turns out Google does penalise. The source of the information was a local search engine optimisation (SEO) specialist that happened to like Mango Sauce, rather than anything from Google.
“My personal experience of Google is coloured by their secrecy and high-handedness, so I prefer to obtain my information from independent sources,” Dave said.
In the meantime, he has also found an alternative web advertising program in the form of AdBrite, a new player that is backed with money from Sequoia Capital – one of the early backers of Google. Another “new” entrant in the web advertising marketplace is Yahoo, which has been revamping its Overture service. The AdSense equivalent, Yahoo Publisher Network, is still in beta and not open to publishers outside of the US.
And even if Yahoo does finally go international with its Yahoo Publisher Network, it’s debatable whether it will be any more transparent or less censorious. Some of the reports coming from participants in the beta program suggest that it has some of the same traits as Google – web sites being blacklisted or hobbled for less than transparent reasons.